Microfinance Loan Software

BridgeLogic Software provides a powerful, easy to use microfinance software that is designed to automate end to end loan processes to ensure greater accuracy, productivity, and reliability in your business.

Microfinance is a class of financial services for individuals and small businesses who do not have access to traditional banking and related services. Microfinance includes microcredit, offering small loans to disadvantaged customers. Microfinance programs are intended to be more affordable to economically and socially marginalized consumers and to help them become self-sufficient.

Originally, microfinance had a narrow definition-providing microloans to disadvantaged entrepreneurs and small businesses without access to credit. The two main mechanisms for the delivery of financial services to such clients were: (1) relationship-based banking for individual entrepreneurs and small businesses; and (2) group-based models, where several entrepreneurs come together to apply for loans and other services as a group.